My mom sent L some money for her birthday. So a little while ago we headed for Toys R Us on a mission to spend it. As soon as we walked through the doors, H had advice for L. "How about this?" he would ask, or, "What about this?" But L has precise tastes. "No," she said flatly, "that's not pretty." So I knew which way I needed to steer the cart. When we cleared an aisle and turned so that L had a view of the girly aisles that we were headed for, she shouted, "Pretty things!" and ran ahead to bask in beauty. There were pretty dolls and pretty ponies and pretty tea sets, but L knew what she wanted. Something pretty to wear. Here she is in her pretty fairy outfit. It came with a matching barbie outfit, which L has put on her little stuffed bear, since she doesn't have any barbies.

After several days of wearing this outfit nonstop, one of the stitched-on roses fell off (what? it was hastily manufactured and not made to last? I'm as shocked as you are). L came to show me, and burst into tears, "Now it's not pretty!" she wailed. Then, her mother surprised her. I told her, "L, if you calm down, I can fix this." She was doubtful, at first, which was not very flattering. But I got a needle and thread and sewed the rose back onto her dress, while she watched in awe. I suppose I must not impress her very often, but it was fun to do it once! And now her fairy dress is pretty again, and all is right in her world.
1 comment:
L really needs to come over more often. We have TONS of that pretty stuff. In fact I'm sure she could take some home with her. I know I wouldn't mind. God job fixing it.
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