So... come read it!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Well, it's been over a year, although I hadn't realized it before I checked the date stamp on my last post. March 2009? Really? I thought I just took a break for a month or so... A year is definitely not as long as it used to be.
But here I am, relaunching my blog, hopefully to be more diligent in letting far-flung loved ones know what's going on in the Garrett family. Which often isn't a whole lot, but if you love us, maybe you want to know anyway.
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter! We have been enjoying the day, and the schizophrenic weather of spring in Utah. The kids made a snowman in the morning and were jumping on the trampoline in the afternoon. That's April around here.
Yesterday, H and L put on a dance show for us. H learned the Bunny Hop and the Electric slide in P.E., and diligently taught L the Bunny Hop so they could do an Easter dance show for us. He took his role as teacher very seriously. L, for her part, hung on his every word, evidently very flattered to be invited to do a show with her big brother. They didn't have the music, but we enjoyed the show anyway. Here's a video J took of the event.
H has gone on to create "tickets," which he means to take to some friends tomorrow to invite them to come see their dance show. I suppose I ought to make some refreshments available, or something, if they gather an audience.
H has gone on to create "tickets," which he means to take to some friends tomorrow to invite them to come see their dance show. I suppose I ought to make some refreshments available, or something, if they gather an audience.
Here is a picture of L and N during the egg-decorating last night. As you can see, they felt they deserved to be decorated as much as any hard-boiled egg. Unfortunately, upon removing the stickers we found they had irritated the skin, so they went to bed with red splotchy foreheads.
Once again, a Happy Easter! He is risen. I know that my redeemer lives!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
B is pulling up!
He loves to pull up but has only managed to get himself down twice. His preferred method is to start yelling when he's tired of standing. Works every time, especially since when he first started this trick, he fell over more often than not once he was on his feet. I'm glad that at least he doesn't fall over everytime he pulls up anymore. In these pics he is standing under the "craft table", one of his favorite places to pull up.
H turns 7!
I can't believe it. I can't believe H in seven. I really don't think it's quite fair that time speeds up every year.
H got a gameboy for his birthday, much to his surprise and delight. Hurray for ebay! He's had to
be told to stop a few times when he's been planted on the couch for a little too long, but his attitude has been pretty good overall. The problem is the little green monster haunting T, but he'll get over it. Builds character, right? And H really is pretty good to share with T.
H got a gameboy for his birthday, much to his surprise and delight. Hurray for ebay! He's had to
H asked for these strawberry shortcake snakes for his birthday cake. They were truly a labor of love. They are pretty simple, really, but I needed to make eight of them and it just took an inordinately long time, and the cakes kept threatening to crumble, and I have no desire to make them ever again. They are sloppier than in the magazine photo, but pretty cute, right? Right?
B loves the swing!
Just a week or so after Valentine's Day, the snow melted and it started to look like spring might actually show up! H wanted to go outside and play, and he asked if he could take B with him. It was still pretty damp out, so we compromised by putting B in the outside swing and letting H play with him there. B loved it! H really dotes on him; it is quite adorable. L got in on the act as well!
I'm dreaming of a white... Valentine's Day
This has been the snowiest Provo winter I have ever seen. On Valentine's Day we got another fresh blanket of snow. The kids were excited, and they all wanted to go out in the snow. They all had fun, too...

Turns out, poor N was getting sick. He spent the next couple of days very much not himself. Can someone please explain why my kids always throw up when they're sick? I mean, they don't get sick all that much, but when they do, it's the vomiting. Every time. Sigh.
except for N...
Turns out, poor N was getting sick. He spent the next couple of days very much not himself. Can someone please explain why my kids always throw up when they're sick? I mean, they don't get sick all that much, but when they do, it's the vomiting. Every time. Sigh.
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